Your Freedom Doc Pediatrician.

Kingdom Kids is a Direct Primary Care Pediatrician Practice.


Wellness Visits

Newborn Care


Sports Physicals

Research published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine indicates that patients enrolled in direct primary care or concierge practices experience lower overall healthcare costs, including reduced hospitalizations and emergency room visits.

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

-Matthew 19:14

What is Kingdom Kids?

  • I am a freedom-minded Pediatrician with a focus on educating and empowering parents so your child can be happy, heathy, and thriving!

  • As I am launching my Practice I will start by offering home visits so you don’t have to leave your home, wait in any waiting rooms, etc

  • My years of Pediatrician care have shown me how limiting Insurance is for patient care. The Direct Primary care membership model allows me to be much more available to patients and offer the exceptional care your child deserves.

    Never a number, always a treasure.

  • Click below to JOIN TODAY!